I was just going to do a quick Facebook post about the opening weekend with Pacific Track Time here in Northern California, but it started to get rather long and I was barely into the write up, so turned it into a blog post instead. I’m going to start with a spoiler though. If you’ve followed me at all, you know last year was tough with the whole situation with my leg. Most don’t know the real extent of it, and that’s fine, but the reality is even at the end of last year, when the scare was gone, my leg was still giving me a lot of trouble. I worked pretty darn hard this winter to keep at rehabbing my leg and body, while making sure I didn’t cause a new injury or aggravate an old one. At the end of last year, I still couldn’t tolerate wearing my race boots between sessions, and my leg would swell up like a balloon at night, and was cranky for days afterwards. I’m stoked to report that I got home after the weekend, and my leg felt like it did on any normal day! N...