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Showing posts from September, 2013

Women's VIP Day

September 9th, 2013 was the 7th annual Women's VIP Day put on by Zoom Zoom, and my 3rd VIP day - in fact, my very first one 3 years ago was my very first trackday ever (and the only one that year)! Unlike that time, however, I'm starting to feel like an old hat at this - bike was ready, I was packed, and I actually slept the night before lol. After working out some kinks on how exactly I was going to get me and the bike to the track (huge thanks to Dennis for the carpool!!) I was set to go. Money was tight, but I definitely needed a good day out at the track. I was looking forward to the opportunity to refine some of the progress I made at my last day at THill, and to  work out some kinks on a few corners (8, 9, 10, and 14 specifically). On 8 I wanted to work on where I was looking and opening up that corner; 9 I needed to work on my brake markers and speed through the corner; 10 was the same thing as 9 only even more so, also getting my eyes up and over sooner; 14 was solidi...