I'd say it's early in the planning stages for the coming season, but I'd be lying. The reality is that bike(s) are already getting torn down and put back together; sponsorship packages are already sent out; sponsors are already rolling in; parts are being bought; and wallets are cringing in fear. Okay, my wallet is past cringing. It's now curled up in the corner, crying and having seizures. And it has only started. Taking a few of the lessons from last year, a few things have been in the works. For starters, the race team, which we had started under the honey badger name, is becoming official and we are working on a professional presence. We're still amateurs at this point, but we want to at least look like professional amateurs who are on their way to try some bigger things. The other stuff is a bit more personal. One lesson I learned the hard way this last year was in regards to bike set up. Finances were tight after medical bills started rolling in, an...