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First '12 Trackday - Infineon/aka Sear's Point Raceway

March 26th 2012. 

My first trackday of the summer, on a track I've only done one parade lap on - Sear's Point Raceway, aka Infineon. But I had shiny new slicks on my ZX10R, and was hyped up and ready to go. Since I didn't know the track at all I signed up for Z2's Novice Class C group. Missed 1/2 my first session because I had to get my tires back on the bike, and between the orientation class and waiting for them to get mounted, I ran out of time. But got out there for a bit anyways.

Second session, 2nd lap in I'm getting black flagged...okay, well I knew I hadn't done anything that bad, and since I had just had my bike apart, was thinking maybe I missed something and had some random bit flapping in the breeze so I pull off the track at a safe spot. And sit out the entire session....only to find that they had been flagging my friend who was behind me with her vest flapping wide open. GRRRRR. Two sessions down, and I've not even warmed up my tires! Let's just say she'll never live that one down.

Finally get a full session before lunch, which goes well. Getting a feel for the track, get some good feedback from an instructor, and feel prepared to kick it up a notch after lunch.

First after lunch session rolls out, and I start having some serious fun. Finally get both knees down (technically doesn't mean anything, but let's face it, we all want to do it), and am ripping it up. Come down the front straight - oh shit, started braking a bit to late, and toss my bike into Turn 1 while trying to do way too many things at once. My bike being what it is, figures this is intensely not fair, and I cause it to nearly high-side. Yes, nearly. Had a tiny voice in my head tell me to stay on the throttle, and a really loud voice screaming "DON'T FUCKING CRASH!!!!" It worked, I held on and finished the session without any other stupid moments. Only pulled one muscle, too.

After that session I was BEAT. I mean, I knew I was out of shape, but this was ridiculous. I couldn't hardly catch my breath, and I was tired. Seriously considered sitting out the next session, but my other friend (who had been in B group all day) wanted to come play with us girls, so she and I went to request that she be able to move down to C group. They laughed, and said that instead, they'd move me up to B group. Shaun said I wasn't playing nice anymore in C group lol.

So I decide to chill a bit again now that I'm worn out (after one session). Part way through I'm getting flagged - again! This time I'm figuring the corner workers thought I was in the wrong group, so I finally pull off, only to find that the guy thought my jacket was open due to where my vest sat on it. Um, no, but off to finish the session I go.

Work with another instructor the following session and get some more good feedback about my lines, body positioning, etc.

Final session of the day, Amy and I decide to go have some fun - I figure, it's the last session, who cares if I can barely walk afterwards, I'm going to have some fun again. Out we go. I'm behind her for awhile, one lap to be sure tires are warm, another just to follow her around, then I decided it was time to up the ante. Got a good chance to pass her on Turn 5 going into the carousel and I took it. On the video, it didn't take too long before I was pretty much out of site after that, although she did do a better job of navigating the 9 turns than I did.

Overall though, it was an amazing day. As usual I learned a ton, gained some skill, found some weaknesses, and mostly realized that my fat ass is TOTALLY out of shape!

So my goal between now and April 30th (my next track day, up at Thunderhill Raceway this time) is to whip my happy butt into shape, work on some of my actual physical weaknesses, and play around with body positioning when I am out in the canyons (no matter how silly it may look to be hanging way off when I don't need to). So off to the gym I go!!!


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