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Plans In Motion

Things finally took a more positive turn on March 15th when I finally got released for weight bearing on the broken leg. Getting to that point was a long process - nearly 4 months since I broke it, 2 surgeries, 1 external fixator, 2 plates, and 18 screws later, and I'm able to start moving forward with my 2017 plans, albeit with the winter set backs leaving me behind the power curve. 

Despite all that, along with my mechanical sponsor, DareDevil Motorsports, we've been able to get my 2017 ZX10R from Roseville Kawasaki ready to go without a rush. Jesus of DareDevil is pretty detailed on his work, and the bike will be tip top with his set up, some Dunlop tires, and I'll make my debut ride on April 9th with Pacific Track Time. Of course, coming off the broken leg (let's just say atrophy is a bitch) I'm trying to keep my expectations low - but to be honest, I'm guessing I'll still be sorely disappointed in my performance as the reality is that I know my expectations are really higher than I'm likely to accomplish.

I've been back on the street bike for about a week now, and each ride gets slightly easier and I struggle a little less each time. Ankle flexibility and muscle endurance are definitely the biggest issues, but overall riding is proving to be a little easier than I expected - at least in the street environment. Not the same as trying to navigate a track with a new liter bike after riding my little 675 the past 2 years. 

I'm still excited to finally begin my season. After auditing the YCRS at Buttonwillow Raceway for a day earlier in March, I'm looking forward to the chance to execute my "fundamentals" on the new bike. My primary goal is to focus on those, and specifically, eyes and brakes at turn in. Even if I'm slow, I want to be working on those things specifically so that as my speed returns the fundamentals are becoming habitual rather than always having to think of them!

At this point I'm having to harness my inner Honey Badger, every single step hurts at least a little bit, sometimes a lot, and I will be racing in a month on one of the most technical tracks out there (Sonoma Raceway). I've got a few track days between now and then, but I still have a lot of work in front of me. I'm also trying to readjust to my "normal" schedule again now that I'm back on the bike. I need to be getting to the gym again, but still suffer from a) being more tired than normal and b) my leg getting plain old worn out prematurely. Ugh. It's a mix of doing enough but not doing too much. Hard to find that balance, too....

...but the good news is I'll be back out there soon, and can't wait to get on the new bike and turn some laps on it finally! Even if it's slow and easy, at least we'll be out there together - finally! 

With help from RiderzLaw and BARF Racing, despite the medical bills, I'll be able to be out at Round 2 and riding - hopefully not feeling too held up by my lack of winter training!!


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