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AFM R5 2016 Sonoma Raceway


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Back On The Grid! April 2024

WERA – Talladega Gran Prix – April 13-14, 2024 It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on a grid. Between life “shitake,” trying to get my business going, essential gear backorders, and the puppy, I hadn’t been able to get on an actual grid for a couple years. Sure, a few trackdays in there, and plenty of miles in the north Georgia mountains, but actually gridding up, going on green, and battling to the checkered was an experience that was growing a bit dim. Racing makes the rest of life boring. Seriously. That first flag this weekend for A Superstock, as we all launched into turn 1, “oh, ya, THIS IS RACING!!!!” was the thought that ran through my head. I had no delusions of being a “front runner” unless the grid in a race was small. Other than the previous weekend with Precision, I hadn’t been to Tally in over 2 years, and have never had brag worthy laptimes. My goals were to drop a little more time off my times there, and I had a “reasonable stretch” goal in mind. With Tally being so ...

F*@# 2020 - Onward Anyways!

  Let's be honest, 2020 took my plans, threw them on the ground, stomped them through dog doo-doo, and then swirled that mixture in my hair. Okay, not in reality (no poo in my hair), but it sure felt that way. I know I was not alone in my misery, but my struggle is my own and this year was just one major struggle after another. Not that it was all bad - despite a rather pathetic showing from me, my sponsors stuck by me through the year (and many into this coming year along with some new ones!). I moved to an area where I'm pretty darn happy. I've made some new and awesome friends and acquaintances. I got much better set up for the track in general (primary purchase being a trailer that I can haul and camp in rather than dealing with hotels or tents).  So as a final THANK-YOU to my sponsors who stuck by me last year - love you all!   RiderzLaw Roseville Yamaha-Kawasaki Dunlop Race Tires BARF Racing MC Tech Hustle Hard Racing Motul USA Motion Pro Fast Frank Racing CHR I ...

WERA Cycle Jam - Road Atlanta - May, 2024

Road Atlanta rapidly became my favorite track on the east coast thus far. Even though I've only been there a few times, I was excited to head out there on a race weekend and see if racing lit more of a fire under my tail.  This track has tons of elevation, is extremely fast, and has a nice variety of corners with opportunities to catch a breath or two in between. All things I love after "growing up" on the northern California tracks. Coming in to the weekend I was excited, but also a bit nervous. I have never raced here, none the less at Cycle Jam which brings in a ton of riders and overflows the entire paddock, shelf, and beyond. I knew my times here were still slow, but if I found a little time I wouldn't be dead last - there are some fast people around here, but figured another couple seconds would at least give me some good battles. Coming in, I had some specific goals outside of just have fun - I wanted to work on some of the feedback I had gotten at the end of t...